Category: Reasoning
How Human Brains Process Received Information
3. The Role of Attention: The brain is constantly bombarded with vast amounts of sensory information. To prevent overload, attention acts as a selective filter, focusing on [more…]
Causatives: A Linguistic Exploration of Cause & Effect
Introduction Human understanding of the world is deeply intertwined with the concept of cause and effect. We constantly perceive actions leading to outcomes, and language [more…]
Brain Reaction to Feedbacks: Neurological and Psychological Perspectives
Introduction Feedback is an essential aspect of human communication, learning, and development. It is a powerful tool that shapes our behaviour, actions, and decisions. The [more…]
Do Cognitive Functions Vary Among Individuals?
The Unique Tapestry of Thought: We all perceive the world, remember experiences, and make decisions. These core abilities, often referred to as cognitive functions, are [more…]
Causal Inference: Uncovering the “Why” Behind Observations
Introduction Causal inference, the discipline of determining cause-and-effect relationships, has emerged as a critical area of study across various fields, including medicine, economics, social sciences, [more…]
An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that enables a computer to think or act in a ‘human’ way, such as the [more…]
An Analysis of Translation Quality in Multilingual Contexts
1. Introduction Managers who work internationally recognize that failure to take into account the specific characteristics of the local operating environments, notably the official language [more…]
Can Robots Emulate Human Brains
Introduction The question of whether robots can emulate human brains brings forth myriad discussions spanning neuroscience, artificial intelligence, robotics, and philosophy. While technological advancements have [more…]
TreeTagger – a part-of-speech tagger for many languages
Introduction The TreeTagger is a tool for annotating text with part-of-speech and lemma information. It was developed by Helmut Schmid in the TC project at [more…]
Part of Speech tagset for French language
Introduction French TreeTagger part-of-speech tagset is available in French corpora annotated by the tool TreeTagger that was developed by Helmut Schmid in the Textual corpora project at the Institute for Computational [more…]