The best Google Maps alternatives
People often use mobile map apps to help them get from one place to another. The Google Maps app comes already pre-installed on most mobile devices and is by far the most popular option. There’s a good reason for this: the service’s data content and range of functions are very inspiring. Wherever [more ...]
The importance of Metadata in building knowledge
Metadata - referred to as the data that describes other data - is the information we create, store, and share to describe things. It allows us to interact with these things and enhances our understanding of their various resources. It also provides us with a context for these things, describes, [more ...]
Content Creation: A Dynamic Representation For Semantic Search
Content creation is a multifaceted process of producing, developing, and publishing a variety of media, such as written articles, videos, images, podcasts across various platforms with the aim to enhance its discoverability, relevance, and interconnections